6 Amazing Owls

There are thousands of bird species on Earth, but owls might be the most well-loved by humans. We associate them with everything from wisdom to Halloween! Each owl species has its own amazing abilities. These six owls have incredible claims to fame!

The seafood owl

Tawny fish-owls don’t enjoy the usual owl diet of small mammals, birds, and reptiles. They prefer to dine on fish and aquatic creatures! They flaunt their adorable droopy ear tufts all over Southeast Asia and China. Whether they set up shop in the subtropics or a temperate forest, tawny fish-owls are always found close to a river, lake, or stream.

The costumed owl

Perhaps the most Halloween-y of them all, spectacled owls live in southern Mexico, Central America, and South America. They get their name from the white markings around their eyes, which look just like eyeglasses! Spectacled owls prefer living in dense, old-growth rainforests because their distinctive markings provide camouflage among tropical foliage.

The operatic owl

Eastern screech-owls range from only six to nine inches in height! They prey on everything from birds and small mammals to insects, frogs, tadpoles, and lizards. These masters of disguise roost in tree cavities that match their unique coloration for the ultimate camouflage. Surprisingly, they don’t actually screech! Instead, Eastern screech-owls make a descending tremolo (wavering between two notes) call.

The Arctic owl

Snowy owls are one of the largest and the heaviest owl species in North America! These heavyweights are most common in the Arctic tundra of North America, Europe, and Asia, but they occasionally visit the United States’s East Coast. Their favorite prey is the lemming, a small Arctic rodent. To create a nest, a female shapes a depression in the snow with her body. I guess that’s her way of making a snow angel!

The roadrunner owl

Not all owls live in trees! Burrowing owls take up residence in old ground squirrel burrows or prairie dog hideouts. They don’t always hunt from the air - they can use their long legs to sprint over the desert! Burrowing owls can be found in Central America, South America, southern Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Some of them live in the north but migrate south for winter, while others are full-time tropical residents.

The imposing owl

Great gray owls are spectacular! Their large facial disk creates a circular swirl pattern around their yellow eyes. These intimidating owls prefer areas with minimal human contact, such as secluded forests in Europe, Asia, the northwest United States, Alaska, and Canada. Great gray owls are one of the tallest owl species in the world, and they appear even larger thanks to their warm, fluffy feathers!

From the smallest to the tallest, owls are fascinating birds. Whooo is the most amazing owl? If you ask me, the answer is “owl” of them! 👓

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